• In a Living Universe

    In a Living Universe

    TransComs channels transformative solutions to the world's pressing problems in a time of great global transition.


  • Collaborative Community

    Collaborative Community

    TransComs has the central objective of becoming a platform for discussion of key issues and concerns that affect open transformation. We serve as a sounding board for new strategies and policies.


  • Open Source Culture

    Open Source Culture

    We are dedicated to developing the value and transformative potential of open source peer-to-peer technology, innovation, and culture for businesses, policymakers, NGOs, and the broader public.


  • Emergence | Metamorphosis

    Emergence | Metamorphosis

    In a living universe, as the internet extends into the physical world, with blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT) a new organic global neural system is emerging - with it comes the third industrial revolution.


  • In a Living Universe
  • Collaborative Community
  • Open Source Culture
  • Emergence | Metamorphosis

"The agricultural revolution took thousands of years. The industrial revolution took hundreds of years. Now, the information revolution is only taking decades. And, if we use it, we all use it – who knows what miracles can happen.“
— Pete Seeger

Transformative Communities, LLC (TransComs) is a developing “community of practice” (CoP) forming together as a professional collective with the common understanding and agreement that:

  • Open source culture and innovation offer a potential for a fundamental shift in the creation of shared values (cultural, social, economic) for the global commons.
  • An evolutionary approach to social transformation is possible through a structured framework based on leading edge sciences and social theories.
  • We support and take to heart the principles of radically constructive sacred activism.
  • We agree to a common commitment to participation in collective learning and knowledge sharing.
  • Our work is based on an Integral/Holistic approach and framework.
  • We strive to contribute in a meaningful way and seek meaning in our individual and collective selves.
  • We dance whenever possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5Rhythms

As a Community of Practice https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_of_practice:

When possible TransComs will define its operating principles based on:

We will explore the following open source methodology as a starting point:

TransComs primary business is consulting on projects / campaigns that are in alignment with our principles. This includes:


TransComs additional business will focus on the creation and support of Hockey-stick, a 501c3 applying for NGO - ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations. http://csonet.org/?menu=17 , http://esango.un.org/paperless/Web

Hockey-stick the name:

A reference to the hockey-stick curve seen in exponential growth charts. It has been a key issue in climate debate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hockey_stick_controversy

and also represents current growth based economic system, population growth, resource exploitation. The positive side is seen in Moore’s Law and the ability of idea’s to spread exponentially.  

Hockey-stick is founded in the values and purpose of Sacred Activism as expressed by Andrew Harvey at Occupy Vancouver: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hBSTzLWM8A

The Hockey-stick mission is to continue advancing and to actualize the Open Source Imperative - presented to the UN at the Rio+20 conf in June 2012.



Policies of UN systems organizations towards the use of open source software, 2005


google search for UN and open source: https://startpage.com/do/search?query=united+nations+open+source&cat=web&pl=chrome&language=english)


  • Support for Intergenerational Justice.


  • Support for A Culture of Peace.




  • Support for the Local Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.


  • Support for the People’s Patent Process.


  • Support the creation of “FLOSS Alamos” - a global open source innovation center, a scientific exploratory / curiosity project on the scale of: Los Alamos, Space Program, Human Genome, Particle Accelerator, etc.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_innovation + watermellon nat’l labs

  • Create enhanced open source participatory governance systems.


  • Support the creation of a “well-being” based alternative measure to the GDP.


  • Support the creation of the “World Game.”


The World Game:



  • First phase: outreach, on-boarding, creation of communities of practice.

  • Use LinkedIn - existing global network with over 200 million users. This is where people express who they are professionally - this is their professional image to the world. We can help motivate people to add “meaning to their profiles” and then go out and connect to other professionals as sacred activists - a global “professional” activist movement.

The first “Quest” in the Game:

  • Theme: Find Yourself, Find the Others.

  • Update your profile to be meaningful - do this with your Triad.

  • Define to whom you want to outreach - where can you make meaningful connections.

  • With intent - create your networks - get your badge 500+.

  • Reflect on the social value you have already created with your new connections

  • Find the 2nd Quest.

Quest Story Guides:

(From Wizard of Oz) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz


  • Transformative Communities: An Architecture for Evolutionary Change
  • Science, Philosophy, Spirituality - Aligned
  • Transformative Communities: An Architecture for Evolutionary Change

    TransComs brings together the full range of talent, theory, and systems required to influence policy and help global communities make a value-enhancing transition from the industrial age to the information age. Our consulting is informed through a holistic evolutionary perspective.

    We are dedicated to developing the value and transformative potential of open source peer-to-peer technology, innovation, and culture for business, policymakers, NGOs, and the broader public.

    TransComs has the central objective of becoming a platform for discussion of key issues and concerns that affect open transformation. We are a cross-disciplinary resource for new strategies and policies around the emergence of the distributed ledger, smart contracts, and the collaborative commons.

    Technology has an ever-increasing impact on business, society, and culture. We recognize the need for comprehensive frameworks that include all aspects of the development process from agile technology; systems and complexity theories; critical learning pedagogy; spiral dynamics integral; new economies; and other relevant methods.

    Our goal is to help enable systems that will allow humanity to more intelligently manage the earth's resources and social needs. This is a time of great potential, the most transformative time in history. The old systems are breaking down, the new ones are being inspired and invented.

    "The next step in man's evolution will be the survival of the wisest.” ― Deepak Chopra


  • Science, Philosophy, Spirituality - Aligned

    Evolution is not linear, it is governed by many multi-dimensional forces from the interaction of complex systems, fractal, and other geometries. Metamorphosis is an astonishing process. We all as youth learned a bit about the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The truly amazing part of this process, however, is in the scientific detail of how it actually happens in nature.

    After a period of ravenous consumption, a caterpillar finds an appropriate perch and forms a chrysalis. The end result, we know, is a butterfly, but the truly astonishing thing is that there is no structural similarity at all between a caterpillar and a butterfly.

    Imaginal cells

    The caterpillar's new cells are called 'imaginal cells.' They resonate at a different frequency. They are so totally different from the caterpillar cells that the immune system thinks they are enemies.

    Then at some point, the entire long string of imaginal cells suddenly realizes all together that it is Something Different from the caterpillar. Something Totally New! ....and in that realization is the transition into butterfly!

    The Imaginal cells form clusters and clumps, begin resonating at the same frequency and passing information back and forth until they hit a tipping point. They begin acting not as discrete individual cells but as a multi-cell organism – and a butterfly is born.


In a living universe as the internet extends into the physical world, a new organic neural system is emerging.

"During the mechanical ages we had extended our bodies in space. Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned. Rapidly, we approach the final phase of the extensions of man - the technological simulation of consciousness, when the creative process will be collectively and corporately extended to the whole of human society, much as we have already extended our senses and our nerves by the various media."
— Marshall McLuhan

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In a Living Universe™